Dan Pichette

ACMG Ski Guide

  • ACMG Ski Guide
  • Avalanche Professional with the CAA
  • CAA Operations Level 3 certificate in Applied Avalanche Risk Management
  • Advanced First Aid

Dan won’t reveal exactly how many years (or decades…) that he has been guiding for in an effort to maintain an air of youthful exuberance. His resume is quite lengthy though and includes work as a heliskiing guide at Mica Heli Guides, and as an Industrial Avalanche Technician in north-western British Columbia. Dan and his family recently moved to Kimberley BC and now enjoys working with Mountain Addicts where he can share the joy of backcountry travel with folks from around the world! When Dan isn’t exploring new places and looking for adventure, you can find him queitly relaxing with a good cup of coffee.


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